Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Stephanie Leigh, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Edition # 80 in the portrait series is dedicated to my dear friend and artist Stephanie Leigh.
Thanks for your generosity of Spirit, Love and great gift of Laughter.
Dance Dance Dance
This was the smile I knew so well and loved. . 
Stephanie with her dog Mishka
Installation along Dallas Road, Victoria 
Stones and Fur

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such nice photos
its so sad she has left us.
Sure do miss her .
She was a wonderful being,
full of art and appreciation for
May her spirit soar high and deep .

Henry Winkler, Los Angeles, California, USA

Many Thanks to the wonderful Henry Winkler for these additions to the Portrait Palace. In the 3000 portraits collected . . this was the fir...