Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Glittering Greetings for the Holidays & 2010!

Greetings from Studio J ArtSpace

A special Thanks to all the wonderful people that participated in the portrait project this year . . . I am delighted with the wide variety of works that have come in and continue to arrive for this project. The Palace walls are a true delight and visitors really enjoy each and every image. I look forward to many more faces joining the collection in 2010 . . and am considering mounting an Installation Exhibition of the works in the year ahead. I'll keep you posted as the idea develops.

Wishing each of you a most Fab Festive Frolic in the weeks ahead . . have Fun!
and as always,
surrounds of Love and Laughter


1 comment:

Beanie Mouse said...

Hope you're having a fabulously MAHvellous time dahling... I have something to mail you as soon as I can safely skid up to the post office... may take some time though! Should make you smile when it gets there!

Henry Winkler, Los Angeles, California, USA

Many Thanks to the wonderful Henry Winkler for these additions to the Portrait Palace. In the 3000 portraits collected . . this was the fir...