Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sarah Appiah, San Francisco, CA, USA

A hand made paper piece that came without envelope and made it through in good condition. Thanks Sarah. I'll be seeing you in the poste.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Glittering Greetings for the Holidays & 2010!

Greetings from Studio J ArtSpace

A special Thanks to all the wonderful people that participated in the portrait project this year . . . I am delighted with the wide variety of works that have come in and continue to arrive for this project. The Palace walls are a true delight and visitors really enjoy each and every image. I look forward to many more faces joining the collection in 2010 . . and am considering mounting an Installation Exhibition of the works in the year ahead. I'll keep you posted as the idea develops.

Wishing each of you a most Fab Festive Frolic in the weeks ahead . . have Fun!
and as always,
surrounds of Love and Laughter


Friday, December 11, 2009

Miguel Jimenez, El Taller de Zenon, Sevilla, SPAIN

Muchas Gracias . . Always great to hear from you . .
and Yes! indeed to the sharing of links . .
Love and Laughter

Miguel's web site: El Taller de Zenon

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Claudio Gavina, CopyLeft, Milano, ITALY

What Fun! Thanks to my dear friend Claudio for this recent playful mailing.
Here's wishing you every success in the days ahead and that the New Year brings many good things your way.
Love and Laughter as always,

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dr. Matthew Eichler, Austin, TX, USA

Thanks to The Doctor!

Great Portrait . . smiling right back at ya!!! :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mike Azevedo, Vancouver, BC, CANADA

Great to hear from you Mike . . A great addition to the palace walls!
be sure and check out this talented actor at his website: Mike Azevedo

Karl-Friedrich Hacker, Itzehoe, GERMANY

A silkscreen from the original linocut by karl
Edition Bauwagen
Thanks Karl . . .

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.