Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Eliso Ignacio Silva, Caracas, VENEZUELA

Fellow Portrait Project Person Eliso . .
Small format (10 x 15 cms)
Technique: free (if he is digital to send printed copy)
Deadline: february 2010
the sent works (without return) will be published in this blog: http://osile.blogspot.com
and http://elautorretrato.blogspot.com
by each sent work another one will be sent
Eliso Ignacio Silva
Apartado 67011
Caracas 1061 - Venezuela

Thanks for the mail . . an envelope in the works for you at the studio J mail art room.

1 comment:

bath mateus said...

That’s looks so nice your posting.
Everything looks good in your posting.
That will be necessary for all. Thanks for your posting.

Henry Winkler, Los Angeles, California, USA

Many Thanks to the wonderful Henry Winkler for these additions to the Portrait Palace. In the 3000 portraits collected . . this was the fir...