Saturday, August 19, 2023

Dame Judi Dench, London, ENGLAND


Many Thanks once again to Dame Judi for signing my post card and Cut-Out . . The portrait tree grows more unique each day . . Much Love as always, M

Chevy Chase, Bedford, New York, USA


Another Cut-Out portrait joins the tree of enchantment.
Many Thanks Chevy . . delighted to hear from you again . . Kindest Regards from Canada

Lubomyr Tymkiv, Lviv, UKRAINE

Many Thanks to Lubomyr for signing and returning postcard #1909
with Love from Canada!

Reid Wood, State of Being, Oberlin, Ohio, USA

Many Thanks Reid . .  great to hear from you again . .  will write soon.


Sunday, August 13, 2023

Troy Troedson, Brisbane, Queensland, AUSTRALIA

Many Thanks to my adventuring cousin Troy for joining in on the Portrait Palace Quest .  . . 
very much appreciated!


Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.