Sunday, December 26, 2021

Penelope Wilton, London, ENGLAND

A wonderful way to start the holiday . . . 
Many Thanks to Penelope Wilton for signing and returning postcards #1761

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Gilbert & George, London, ENGLAND

Many Thanks to artists Gilbert Proesch & George Passmore "Gilbert & George" for signing and returning the very first in my most recent venture into the postcard series the 8" x10". You made my day . . 
Love and best wishes from Canada!

Monday, December 6, 2021

Portrait Documentation Page 110

Dearest friends  . . It has been a wonderful 17 years of excitement as I head up the stairs to the Studio J ArtSpace in the Duck's Bldg . . wondering what deliveries have come from around the world.  Early in the new year I will have to find a new space  for the "Realm of All Sorts" I've created . . at the moment I'm coming to terms with what all of this might mean.  . . Here's to the hope that somewhere out there is the alignment of thoughts and heart  . . . I'll keep you posted . . when the old address ends and the new one begins . . Love and Laughter always, M

Documentation Page 110

Page 110 now complete: Thanks to:
John Harris – CANADA, Jann Arden – CANADA, Paris Black - CANADA
George Maharis – USA, Herman Kamphuis - The NETHERLANDS, Mark Harmon - USA

Greg Malone – CANADA, Mindaugas Žuromskas – LITHUANIA, Don Denton – CANADA, Leslie Jordan – USA, Mayor Lisa Helps – CANADA, Roberto Formigoni - ITALY

Jay Lamoureux – CANADA, Jon Stovell – CANADA, John G. Boehme – CANADA, Jason Flemyng – ENGLAND, Capt. John Hillman – CANADA, Stewart Ralph - CANADA

PM Justin Trudeau – CANADA, Tonia Evans Cianciulli – CANADA, Martin Sheen – USA, Manuel Guillén – VENEZUELA, Sybil Bruncheon – USA, Irma Soltonovich - CANADA

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.