Thursday, November 5, 2020

Portrait Documentation Page 100

Many Thanks to the myriad of people who have contributed to the eclectic portraits that have culminated in 100 pages of documentation for the Dames Portrait Palace of Autographed Self Portraits.

I look forward to the next 100!

In this Edition Special Thanks to:

John Harris — CANADA, Dame Angela Lansbury — USA, Frankie Mamone — USA

P.M. Jacinda Ardern — NEW ZEALAND, Cory Lee — CANADA, Ish Morris — CANADA


Dame Judi Dench — ENGLAND, George Maharis — USA, Jessie Homer French — USA, Anna Banana — CANADA, Dennis Highberger — USA, Ruta Lee — USA


Debbie Dwyer — CANADA, Ruggero Maggi — ITALY, Grant Keddie — CANADA, Peter Cowan — CANADA, Geir Ness — Norway, Richard Comely — CANADA


Rob Reid — CANADA, Glenda Jackson — ENGLAND, Steve Smith — USA, LuLu LoLo — USA, David Suzuki — CANADA, Artimisia Mailarta — CANADA

LuLu LoLo, New York, New York, USA

Delighted to find the return of postcard # 1610 in my mailbox today . . which means my friend the Fabulous LuLu LoLo who was in Edition #1 . . is now in Edition # 100 of the Portrait Project. 


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.