Monday, June 24, 2019

Portrait Documentation Page 85

Thanks to all for their participation in this edition:
Laura Cristin — ITALY, Rorica Kamperlic — SERBIA, George Maharis — USA, Ilya Semenenko-Basin — RUSSIA, Dr. Klaus Groh — GERMANY, Steve Dalachinsky — USA
Jann Arden — CANADA, Dawn Redwood — ENGLAND, Ruta Lee — USA, Mary and Sara Sexton — CANADA, Magie Dominic — USA, Robert Bateman — CANADA
Mike Delamont — CANADA, Robert Conrad — USA, Diane Bertrand — CANADA, Trysh Ashby-Rolls — CANADA, Griffin Lea and Jana Morrison — CANADA, Zane Oak — CANADA
Lucas Morneau — CANADA, Pascal Pithois — FRANCE, John Held Jr. — USA, Bruno Chiarlone — ITALY, Jeremy Loveday — CANADA, Greg Malone — CANADA

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Griffin Lea and Jana Morrison, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Thanks to Griffin and Jana for making this evening one that I will remember for a long time. Their performance of Hedwig was truly outstanding.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Zane Oak, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

 They say "Perseverance Furthers" . . I finally got to have a visit from local artist Zane Oak.  . . who came with gifts of self portraits ..  what a way to the Heart of a Dame . .  great laughter and stories . .  till next time my friend  . . 

Blessing to Zane via the Big Red Chair 

George Maharis, Beverly Hills, California, USA

Many Thanks to Actor/Singer George Maharis for this return mailing. Including this signed cover from the film: Satan Bug
As Always, much appreciated . . loved the note which said it was like Christmas opening his mail!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Robert Bateman, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, CANADA

Many Thanks to artist Robert Bateman for the return of the portrait (now signed) I recently mailed during his birthday week. (Happy 89th!)
Be sure and check out The Bateman Centre in downtown Victoria, BC : ROBERT BATEMAN CENTRE

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Mary and Sara Sexton, St. John's, Newfoundland, CANADA

Many Thanks to Mary and Sara Sexton ( and my friend Irma Gerd too)

Fab Stamp Irma Darling! Smooches to all . . 

Dawn Redwood, London, ENGLAND

Many Thanks to Dawn at Aardwerx for returning a signed version of postcard #1390 and the Artistamps. The image on the postcard is from a self portrait painting recently shown in London.
I realize you made quite the effort to get this out to me and I truly appreciate it . . and send love and healing to you. Mail coming soon . . 

Friday, June 7, 2019

Jann Arden, Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA

Thanks to the incredible Jann Arden for signing the items I recently sent to her.
Postcard #1405  now joins the Studio J Portrait Collage
More about Jann at her website: Jann Arden

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.