Saturday, December 30, 2017

Rorica & Dobrica Kamperelic, Belgrade, SERBIA

Many Thanks to my performance artist friends in Serbia Rorica and Dobrica for this series of self portraits from some of their performance works. Very Much appreciated, with Love from Canada.

Marc Deb, Arras, FRANCE

Merci Marc for the beautiful mailing that arrived with the series of laminated artworks. 
Very much appreciated . . see you in the mail!

Mark Sonnenfeld, East Windsor, New Jersey, USA

Many Thanks Mark . . more on Mark's writing at: New Mystics

Diane Bertrand, St. Leonard, Quebec, CANADA

Merci Diane!
Portrait drawing with I.A.P. Artistamp self portrait attached.

Irma Soltonovich, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Thanks Irma  . . Post card # 1242 now joins the installation!
Check out more from the talents of this amazing Visual Artist at her site: IRMA SOLTONOVICH

Minnie Churchill, Grand Falls - Windsor, Newfoundland, CANADA

Many Thanks to my Aunt Minnie in Newfoundland who has the title of being the eldest corespondent   in my mailings. . . . .  she is now approaching her 105th year!
She loves mail . . so stay tuned mail art friends I have an idea to make the 105th quite a joyful mailing . . 

Rick Van Krugel, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

After several episodes of return to sender with the mailman and post office the mailing of postcard # 1247 has now found its way to the collection at Studio J. Many Thanks to Rick for his determination.
Check out the Dynamic Duo of Rick and Linda at: Darshan/Alexander

Tom McBeath, Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA

I recently got to be in the audience of the Belfry Theatre's production of "A Christmas Carol"
Tom was in town portraying the character of Scrooge. It was one of those moments of live stage presence that will remain with me for years. The cast was truly amazing. 
Many Thanks to Tom for signing and mailing these images for me.
Check out his IMDb profile: Tom McBeath

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.