Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Portrait Documentation Page 73

THANKS TO EVERYONE . . For their contributions Page 73 

01. Rhea Bundrant and Nicola Bailey, New York, New York, USA
02. Aaron Tlucko, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA 
03. Katerina Nikoltsou, (MomKat), Thessaloniki, GREECE
04. Kyre Trafford, Thornbury, Ontario, CANADA 
05. Antic Ham, Achill Island, County Mayo, IRELAND 
06. Francis Van Maele, Dugort, Achill Island, County Mayo, IRELAND 

07. Richard Wilson, London, ENGLAND 
08. Eddie Nero, Eugene, Oregon, USA
09. Snappy, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA 
10. Torill Elizabeth Larsen, Olso, NORWAY 
11. Mary Lynne Keenan, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

12. Peter Lupus, Mesa, Arizona, USA
13. Bernhard Zilling, Berlin, GERMANY
14. Karl Steurer, Picasso Vom Bodensee, Arbon, SWITZERLAND
15. Shirley Bracey, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA 
16. Mary Grayson, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA 
17. Stefani Agostini, Camobi, Santa Maria, Rio Grande Do Sol, BRASIL 
18. Giovanni and Renata Strada, Ravenna, ITALY 

19. Reid Wood, State of Being, Oberlin, Ohio, USA
20. Theo Nelson, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
21. Paul Mundt, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA 
22. Diane Bertrand and Therese Descary, St. Leonard, Quebec, CANADA 
23. Dame Mailarta by Ahmet Demir, Izmir, TURKEY 
24. Dale Roberts by Ahmet Demir, Izmir, TURKEY 

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Friday, August 11, 2017

Rhea Bundrant and Nicola Bailey, New York, New York, USA

Thanks to artists Nic and Rhea for sending along this photo tribute to Bowie

Giovanni and Renata Strada, Ravenna, ITALY

Giovanni and Renata continue to share their performance mailart works
Thanks . . "Ancient" ones

Stefani Agostini, Camobi, Santa Maria, Rio Grande Do Sol, BRASIL

Self Portrait etching print 
by artist Stefani Agostini in Brazil
Much appreciated!

Shirley Bracey and Mary Grayson, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Celebrating Canada's 150th with Shirley and Mary 

Karl Steurer, Picasso Vom Bodensee, Arbon, SWITZERLAND

A handmade book arrives from Karl in Switzerland . . . Many Thanks . .  already making plans for your mailart visual reply . . coming soon . . .

Bernhard Zilling, Berlin, GERMANY

Thanks to my friend Bernhard for this painted postcard.
Mail coming your way soon . . All the best from Canada

Peter Lupus, Mesa, Arizona, USA

Postcard # 813
Many Thanks "Willy" . . delighted to get the package with all the autographed enclosures. Much Appreciated.
Check out more at: IMDb Peter Lupus

Mary Lynne Keenan, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Many Thanks to Mary Lynne for the return of Post Card # 1113.
This portrait was one of those candid moments when I have the camera with me and decide yes I'll share the project idea and send a portrait postcard - thinking this person would be a wonderful addition to the visual array of people in the collection. Pleased to see she thought so too . . 

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Torill Elizabeth Larsen, Olso, NORWAY

Many Thanks to Norwegian artist Torill Elizabeth Larsen for this amazing compilation of 15 prints that arrived featuring her self portrait series.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Snappy, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Snappy sporting the Fractal Portrait Project Tee . . which now has a Canadian component  . . many Thanks to Artistide 3108 for getting this project underway. . . the shirt is doing its Canadian circuit.
See more from Snappy at his blog: SNAPPY SERVICE

Eddie Nero, Eugene, Oregon, USA

Collaged postcard with self portrait stamp arrived today from friend Eddie at Hitam Post.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Richard Wilson, London, ENGLAND

Many Thanks to Scottish actor Richard Wilson for the return of postcard # 1208 plus signed portrait enclosure . . very much appreciated. 
More about Richard and his amazing career at: RICHARD WILSON

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.