Sunday, April 23, 2017

Emilio Carrasco, Zacatecas, MEXICO

A print work arrives from Emilio in Mexico. Many Thanks my friend. . . good to hear from you.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Nancy and Errol Rubin, Kailua, Hawaii, USA

A visit from my Hawaiian friends Errol and Nancy
Check out their site for workshops: Rubin Enterprises

Herma Kamphuis, Amsterdam, The NETHERLANDS

Lovely to hear from my friend Herma in Amsterdam. Always such great collages with vintage imagery. Mail coming your way soon. Love from Canada!

Artist Trading Card Portrait Special Edition #70 Stamp Sheet

Thanks to all the artists that have sent ATC portraits  . . the editions continue

Ed Giecek – USA, Susan Gold – CANADA, Keith Jenkins – CANADA, Mailarta – CANADA, Snappy – CANADA, Gerda Osteneck - CANADA
Katerina Nikoltsou – GREECE, Dale Roberts – CANADA, Christian Pietzke – GERMANY, Peter Müller – GERMANY, Angela Behrendt – GERMANY, Antonia Mayol Castelló - SPAIN
Eric Bruth – FRANCE, Jurgen O. Olbrich - GERMANY, Helen Aymes – Australia, Michael Leigh – UK, Toni Hanner – USA, Alex Crookshanks - USA
Pedro Bericat – SPAIN, TOFU – USA, Lucia Spagnuolo – ITALY, Hilda Paz – ARGENTINA, Marina Salmaso – DENMARK, Pier Roberto Bassi - ITALY

Ronnie Burkett, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

Special Thanks to the brilliant Ronnie Burkett of The Daisy Theatre
Another night of love and laughter . . truly a Canadian Treasure . .  
Another outstanding performance  . . that included a reunion of some of the favourite characters from the last visit to Victoria to introduction to the latest ladies of song. 

Ronnie and Dale . . 

The Divine Diva : Esme Massengill . . takes to the stage and instructs us on how to properly show reverence to this Queen of the Stage.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Monday, April 10, 2017

Dr. Sam Willis, London, ENGLAND

Thanks to Historian, Dr. Sam Willis for return of postcard # 1126 

Virginia Milici, Treviso, ITALY

Self Portrait on cotton canvas with stitching and collage
Many Thanks Virgy for the enclosed artistamps and performance documentation too.

Check out her site: Emozioni Arte Poesia

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Danny John-Jules, London, ENGLAND

Thanks to actor Danny John-Jules
for the return of Postcard # 1125 in the series. 
I've become quite a fan of the series that he is part of "Death in Paradise"
Much Appreciated Danny . . see you in the mail!

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.