Saturday, April 30, 2016

Portrait Documentation Page 66

Special Thanks to: John M. Bennett — USA, Ed Higgins III — USA, Derya Avci — TURKEY, Heda Vidmar-Šalamon — SLOVENIA, Richard Comely — CANADA, Grayson PerryENGLAND

Catherine Mehrl Bennett — USA, Reid Wood — USA, Sean Guist — CANADA, Bruno Chiarlone — ITALY, Piet Franzen — The NETHERLANDS, Simon Pegg — USA

Antonella Sassanelli — ITALY, Jack Latteman — USA, James B. Chester — USA, Jürgen Olbrich — GERMANY, Elena Signori — FRANCE, Jokie Wilson — USA

The cast in The WYLD Friedrichstadt-Palast, Berlin: Robert Machamud — GERMANY, Talita Angwarmasse — GERMANY, Sinisa Petrovic — GERMANY, Nina Makogonova — GERMANY, Miranda Bodenhofer — GERMANY, Dan Revazov — GERMANY

Jokie X Wilson, San Francisco, CA, USA

Thanks to my friend Jokie for this most recent mailing of ephemera. 
Will see you in the mail soon . . 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Program from"WYLD" signed by many of the dancers

Dan Revazov

Miranda Bodenhofer

Nina Makogonova


Sinisa Petrovic

Talita Angwarmasse

Many Thanks to the cast for signing this program for me . . . very much appreciated . . .  (and especially to my friend Sheryl for being there . . .)
check out more at: 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016

ATC Portrait Call . . . Edition #1

Documentation is now complete for this first edition . . Thanks everyone!
Thanks to the first group of artists who participated in this ATC call for self portraits.
1 - Ed Giecek : 
2 - Susan Gold :
3 - Keith Jenkins : 
4 - Mailarta : 
5 - Snappy : 
6 - Gerda Osteneck : 
7 - Katerina Nikoltsou :
8 - Dale Roberts : 
9 - Christian Pietzke : 
10 - Peter Müller :
11 - Angela Behrendt :
12 - Antonia Mayol Castelló :

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Simon Pegg, Memphis, Tennessee, USA

Simon made my day with his response to postcard mailing # 1010
Many Thanks . . Very much appreciated. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

Grayson Perry, London, ENGLAND

Many Thanks to artist Grayson Perry for these signed portraits. They travelled with me to London and back again only to return via post . . so pleased to get the envelope in today's mail!

My mailing to Grayson . .

Richard Comely, Welland, Ontario, CANADA

A Super mail day . . .Captain Canuck via creator artist 
I even got to open my envelope with Kate my mail carrier . .who shared in my excitement. We met for the first time today . . her last few days on the route.

Richard was very kind to include in his mailing several Captain Canuck postcards, magnets and I am now an official Captain Canuck Club member with signed membership card from Richard.

Catherine Mehrl Bennett, Columbus, Ohio, USA

Many Thanks to artist Catherine Mehrl Bennett for the return of postcard # 1016 in the series.
Also enclosed were a sheet or her artistamps. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Reid Wood, State of Being, Oberlin, Ohio, USA

Thanks "Famous Artist" Reid . . for your addition to Portraits II . .  
Mail your way soon . . 
Check out his Blog: 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Sean Guist, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Many Thanks To Actor/Producer Sean Guist for this addition to the portrait collection. 
Sean helped produce tonight's fundraising event "Big Gay Cabaret" at Intrepid Theatre.
The cast of "Big Gay Cabaret"
Thanks to all of you for a great evening of entertainment

Bruno Chiarlone, Montenotte, ITALY

A mailing arrives from Bruno with new self portrait additions. See you soon in the mail!
More from Bruno on his site: MAIL ART

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Heda Vidmar-Šalamon, Konjice, SLOVENIA

Thanks to Heda for the return of postcard # 1014 
with addition of her portrait of her visit to Victoria back in 1979

Derya Avci, Muş, TURKEY

 Thanks to Derya for her mailing to the Portrait Gallery.

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.