Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Paul Dunn, Andrew Kushnir, Damien Atkins, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

Many Thanks to Paul Dunn, Andrew Kushnir, Damien Atkins who were just in town performing at the Belfry Theatre. Their show "The Gay Heritage Project" was an amazing evening of exquisite theatre. Thanks for bringing the show to town. Hope to see you here again!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

Portrait Documentation Page 64

A very Special Thanks yet again to all those that have responded to my portrait call  . .

Gary Lockwood — USA, Rose Cousins — CANADA, Judy M. Partridge — CANADA, Dave Ranns — CANADA, Andrew Salgado — ENGLAND, Dan Landrum — USA

Jenny Gorman — USA, Brian Ashley White — USA, Esme White — USA, Aaron Tlucko — CANADA, LuLu LoLo — USA, Doug Jarvis — CANADA

Minnie Churchill — CANADA, Vivian Beaumont — USA, Mary England — USA, Ted Hiebert — USA, Andrea Bayne — CANADA, Eva Campbell — CANADA

William B. Davis — CANADA, Emilio Carrasco — MEXICO, Biagio Woodward — CANADA, Judy Parfitt — ENGLAND, Murray Zimiles — USA, Megan McCaffrey — CANADA

Megan McCaffrey, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

#1031 in the postcard series . . 
from my fiddle teacher . . Megan McCaffrey
Classes are available through Larsen School of Music here in Victoria 

Murray Zimiles, Millerton, New York, USA

Artist Murray Zimiles Postcard # 1002
Thanks to one of my professors from Art College in NY . . . I still work with some of the handmade papers I made from those classes.  

Sometimes I have difficulty choosing only one image so I decided to send 2 portraits since I saw this self portrait painting and loved the piece . . Thanks again Murray.
Check out Murray's website: Artist Murray Zimiles

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Judy Parfitt, Sussex, ENGLAND

Many Thanks to one of my favourite actresses, Judy Parfitt for autographing and returning Postcard # 987  

Biagio Woodward, Cherry Bomb Toys, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Dame's visit with B

Many Thanks to “B” Biagio Woodward 
of Cherry Bomb Toys in downtown Victoria
and for those who love toys and collections the Museum is now OPEN . . check out:

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Bumble Bee Cee, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Thanks to fellow IUOMA member Bumble Bee Cee for this portrait postcard mailing.
Mail coming your way soon . . 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Marek Wysoczynski, Gdansk, POLAND

Thanks Marek . . Loved the smile project catalogue . . I'll send another smile your way soon . . 
Love and Laughter

Theme : Smiles
Size : unrestricted
G rated

Project Smile
Marek Wysoczynski
krzywoustego 22/14
80360 gdansk

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Andrea Bayne, Ballet Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

A special addition to the signed collection at Studio J . . Many Thanks to Ballet Victoria's principal dancer Andrea Bayne for these pointe shoes. I recently got to see the outstanding production of Romeo and Juliet from the very talented troupe of artists in Ballet Victoria.  Bravo!

Signed poster from the dancers!

Ted Hiebert, Seattle, Washington, USA

Thanks to Ted for this signing at his "Ted Talk" at Open Space Art Gallery this afternoon . . This is the artistamp sheet I made in his honour . . .
More from Ted at his site: Ted Hiebert
and do go see his current exhibition "Imaginary Friends" at Open Space Gallery

Friday, March 11, 2016

Mary England, Linthicum Heights, Maryland, USA

Many Thanks to my friend Mary England for the package that arrived with her new book and the other enclosed goodies . . . Find out more at: UNCUSTOMARY

Friday, March 4, 2016

Jeremy Bequette, Belleville, Illinois, USA

Thanks to Jeremy for this recent mailing.
Jeremy is the author of a Zine titled " Defiance of Gothic Nirvana X"

Doug Jarvis, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Portrait Postcard #1001 returns . .  the first in the next count of a thousand? 
Many Thanks Doug . .  You Super Star . . 
Now you must come to the studio and play the where's my postcard game . . 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Emilio Carrasco, Zacatecas, MEXICO

Thanks Emilio . . very much appreciate the catalogue of your work, the beautiful print and painting. Will be working on something for your mail art call soon too.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Aaron Tlucko, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Alien Aaron . . or as I like to think of him . . a brilliantly creative artist . .  
Postcard # 997 returns to the inner circle  . . Thanks again my alien friend . . 

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.