Monday, February 29, 2016

Vivian Beaumont, Apopka, Florida, USA

Many Thanks to my dear friend Vivian for this kissed sealed postcard mailing. . . # 988 is back to  join the wall of portraits.
Look for her videos on Youtube: Vivian Beaumont

Saturday, February 20, 2016

LuLu LoLo, New York, New York, USA

BRAVA to my friend for her courageous work to see attention brought to this important issue of more monuments to honour women. . . 
More from my friend LuLu LoLo via Facebook
and her site: LuLu LoLo

Friday, February 19, 2016

The Sticker Dude, Joel Cohen, New York, New York, USA

Special Thanks to The Sticker Dude for this abundant envelope filled with stickers for my violin case . . I'll be sending images soon . . Thanks so much!
More about Joel at: Ragged Edge Press

Sugar Irmer, Berlin, GERMANY

And in the shadows . . . Thanks Sugar . . 

Jenny Gorman, New York, New York, USA

A fantastic mail day with a series of photos from my friend /artist/photographer
Jenny Gorman in New York. Enclosed were portraits of my friend Brian Ashley White  (and some of his street stickers) and photos of their daughter Esme. I will cherish the pictures    . . Thanks so very much.

Photo by Jenny Gorman

Brian With Lyle in Spain

Photos by Brian Ashley White


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bruno Chiarlone, Montenotte, ITALY

A Mailarta Artistamp sheet and Images from the GAC gathering in Italy arrive from Bruno.
More from Bruno on his site: MAIL ART

Dan Landrum, San Diego, California, USA

Many Thanks to mail artist Dan Landrum for the return of postcard # 990 in the series. 
See more from Dan at his site: APPLE EYE DESIGN

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016

I.G.H. / Private World, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Thanks to my friend for this mailing  . . I'll be sending an envelope of cheer your way soon   . . Take care of yourself. Love and Laughter always!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Rose Cousins, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANADA

Many Thanks to the gracious and ever talented Rose Cousins, I got to hear her perform here in Victoria and now enjoy her music as part of the studio surrounds when I work.
Check out her site: Rose Cousins

Judy M. Partridge, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Thanks to friend  and talented dancer Judy for these pictures from her passion of Hula.
Portrait was gifted with videos of the Merrie Monarch Festival and The Polynesian Cultural Centre

Dave Ranns, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Dave in 1957
I recently had an opportunity to meet Dave during a studio tour and share many life stories also found out about his passion for collecting. One story he told was about his collecting the "Flower Stone" sometimes called the Chrysanthemum Stone . . This gift of the stone arrived with his portrait. Dave spends many hours working the stone to polish and reveal the flower, this rock comes from Taylor Beach, BC. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Portrait Documentation Page 63

Thanks to everyone for their mailings . . much appreciated! . . mail coming your way soon.

Reid Wood — USA, Eberhard Janke — GERMANY, Massimo Medola — ITALY, Jiri Subrt — CHECH REPUBLIC, Katarina Nikoltsou — GREECE, Guido Bondioli — USA

Eva Campbell — CANADA, Buz Blurr — USA, Lord Fugue — USA, Heda Vidmar-Šalamon — SLOVENIA, H.S.H. Harley and Hamlet Forestville — USA, Herman Kamphuis — The NETHERLANDS

Fulgor C. Silvi — ITALY, Corentine Granderue — FRANCE, Odette Laroche — CANADA, Antonio Mousinho — PORTUGAL, Linda Rogers — CANADA, Miche-Art-Universalis — BELGIUM

Emilio Morandi — ITALY, La Toan Vinh — CANADA, Phaedra J. Kelly — UK, Emilio Carrasco Gutierrez — MEXICO, Róbert Swierkiewicz — HUNGARY, Roberto Formigoni — ITALY

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Roberto Formigoni, Brescia, ITALY

Another outstanding envelope and compilation of visuals telling the recent mailart antics of my friends in Italy. Many Thanks to my friend Roberto . . see more at his site: Roberto Formigoni

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.