Saturday, July 25, 2015

Ehren Salazar, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Thanks to Ehren  . . Artist, Musician and talented designer from the Metropol team here in Victoria.

Ehren Salazar is an artist who was born and raised near Main Street in Vancouver Canada. He attended Emily Carr University (2002-2004) as well as Langara College's Fine Arts program (1999 & 2009). In 2012 Ehren travelled to Italy on scholarship to study and practice the art of fresco restoration for the summer (


Artist Statement

In my efforts to draw daily, I dream of painting. And to live life as a working artist.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Monday, July 20, 2015

Randall Garrison, MP, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Smiles with MP Randall Garrison. . 
Thanks Randall . . great to catch up with you at this years Pride fest too . . 
Till next time . .   with, Love and Laughter . . 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Portrait Documentation Page 59

Special Thanks to: Peter Morin — CANADA, Stewart Charlebois — CANADA, Alyce Cornyn-Selby — USA, John Harris — CANADA, Sílvia Soares Boyer — USA, Chevalier Daniel C. Boyer — USA, Bruce Boxleitner — USA, Rosanna Veronesi — ITALY, Darcy Michael — CANADA, Pagone Praparattanapan — CANADA, Reid Wood — USA, Emilio Morandi — ITALY
Dawn Redwood — ENGLAND, Angela Behrendt — GERMANY, Shelley McIntosh — CANADA, Massimo Medola — ITALY, Thierry Tillier — BELGIUM, Otto Sherman — USA
Katerina Nikoltsou — GREECE, Magie Dominic — USA, Emilio Carrrasco — MEXICO, Daniel Ferguson — CANADA, I.G.H. / Private World — USA, Mailarta — CANADA

I.G.H. / Private World, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Thanks to IGH/Private World for this assortment of mail art including 8 trading cards.
Best from here . . M.

Daniel Ferguson, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA

Many Thanks to writer/producer Daniel Ferguson for signing after the presentation of his latest film "Last of The Elephant Men" today at the Vic Theatre

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Magie Dominic, New York, New York, USA

My Newfie Angel and dearest friend . . Magie . . who has just released her latest book "Street Angel"
Many Thanks my friend. See you in the mail!

Katerina Nikoltsou, (MomKat), Thessaloniki, GREECE

Thanks to Katerina for this mailing and also for her support in mailing to the "Cards for Taylor & Zoe" project.  Very Much appreciated. With Love and Laughter always, M.

Otto Sherman, New York, New York, USA

A deliciously delightful delicacy of mailart arrives from Otto,
Many Thanks!
See more at: OTTOART

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thierry Tillier, Charleroi, BELGIUM

#883 in the series of postcard mailings arrives at the studio J mailbox from artist Thierry Tillier.
See his work at: Thierry Tiller

Many Thanks Thierry

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.