Saturday, December 5, 2015

Crackerjack Kid, Chuck Welch, Hancock, New Hampshire, USA

Many Thanks Chuck . . Great portrait!  . . looks like the mailbag with collected mail from my fall excursion has been rediscovered . .  lots of scanning ahead. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Madeline Behrens-Brigham, San Francisco, California, USA

Mailart . . networking . . connecting with people around the world . . what a treat to find # 950 in the postcard mailings in my mailbox a few days ago. 
Thanks BB! . . Loved what you did with adding all the stamps . . makes this postcard a more unique addition to the collection . . 
Check the attached link to find out more about my Ex-Postal Facto friend
See you in the mail! Love and Laughter as always, M.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Ronnie Burkett, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

Many Thanks to the brilliant Ronnie Burkett of The Daisy Theatre
for signing this image tonight after his amazing show. I've been a fan of his work for years and I am delighted to have finally met him and to have seen his show live. 
If you have the opportunity, it is a must-see event! 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Linda Rogers and Rick Van Krugel, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Many Thanks to "LICK" the fused duo . . 

I was pleasantly surprised to find my mailman had placed this work under my door rather than squishing it into the mailbox.

"Isabel's box of light opens wide in the dark and swallows winter"

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Kay Petal, "Felt Alive", Cave Junction, Oregon, USA

Special Thanks to Kay for the return of postcard # 936 . . checkout more from Kay and her amazing felted art at: FELT ALIVE

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Joseph Darrigan, Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA

Award winning stylist Joseph Darrigan AKA Paris A la Grande. .  fellow Newfoundlander and long time friend.  .. Many Many Thanks Joe for the mailing. You look amazing!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Noriko and Ryosuke Cohen, JAPAN, Uli Grohmann, GERMANY

Thanks to Uli Grohamnn for this portrait of Noriko and Ryosuke Cohen to commemorate their mail art meeting in Euskirchen.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Portrait Project Documentation Page 61

Special Thanks to:

Andrew Salgado — ENGLAND, Paul Tiilila — FINLAND, Allegra Sleep — USA, Helena Byrne — IRELAND, Anna Banana — CANADA, Eddie Redmayne — ENGLAND

Artistide 3108 — FRANCE, Arturo Fallico, IV — USA, Carol Stetser — USA, Teresinka Pereira — USA, Ottmar Bergmann — SWEDEN, Torill Elizabeth Larsen — NORWAY

Vittore Baroni — ITALY, Katerina Nikoltsou — GREECE, James Murdoch — SCOTLAND, Sean Brendan-Brown — USA, David Beaumont — CANADA, Miguel Jimenez — SPAIN

Ari Millen — CANADA, Fran Willis — CANADA, Manuel Garcia Centeno — SPAIN, Jack Latteman — USA, Diane Bertrand — CANADA, Andrew Oleksiuk — USA

Andrew Oleksiuk, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Check out Andrew's Blog: Andrew Oleksiuk

Diane Bertrand, St-Leonard, Quebec, CANADA

Merci Diane . . I have been enjoying the mailart newsletters that you send. 
More mail coming soon . . .

Jack Latteman, Cascadia Artpost, Seattle, Washington, USA

Thanks Jack for these mailings always a pleasure to get your poste!

Manuel Garcia Centeno, Madrid, SPAIN

Many Thanks to writer -poet Manuel Garcia Centeno for this surprise package in the mail. . 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.