Thursday, August 21, 2014

HitchBOT in Victoria at Open Space Gallery, David Harris Smith, Frouke Zeller and Colin Gagich

HitchBOT makes it to Victoria and is given quite the welcome by the community.
Autographs are kindly given by David, Frouke and Colin and a thumbprint from the Queen of the hitchers herself - HitchBOT 

Striking a pose  . . thumbs up on this adventure across the country.
Dale and John get to pose with Hitchy

The Team responsible for the project

Nancy Dornelles, Porto Allegre, BRASIL

Thanks Nancy . .  best from Canada!

Luiza Alexandra Lewczuk, Porto Alegre, BRASIL

 Many Thanks Luiza . .  see you in the mail . . edition 54 coming soon.

Torill Elizabeth Larsen, Olso, NORWAY

Another series of incredible portrait prints arrive from Torill in Norway. 
Thanks so much. Really enjoy your works. See you in the mail!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Once in awhile . . . Sophie Tucker

Once in awhile "prezzies" arrive that are too good not to share . .  a recent gifting included this signed card (dated 1954) of Sophie Tucker  . . .  

Check out the website: SOPHIE TUCKER

(Sophie Tucker (January 13, 1887 – February 9, 1966) was a Russian-born American singer, comedian, actress, and radio personality. Known for her stentorian delivery of comical and risqué songs, she was one of the most popular entertainers in America during the first half of the 20th century. She was widely known by the nickname "The Last of the Red Hot Mamas.")

Many Thanks Linda . . Love and Laughter always, M.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Portrait Documentation Page 53

Special Thanks To:

Shane Koyczan – CANADA, Carole James – CANADA, Mirta Caccaro – ITALY, Kirsten McCrea – CANADA, Robert Znajomski – POLAND, Annuska Van Der Pol – CANADA 
Randall Garrison – CANADA, Walter Pennacchi – ITALY, Eberhard Janke – GERMANY, Buz Blurr – USA, Franco Ballabeni – ITALY, Marina Salmaso – DENMARK 
Tatiana Makarova – RUSSIA, Claudio Gavina – ITALY, Gareth Gaudin – CANADA, Peter Müller – GERMANY, Tania Miller – CANADA, Gabriella Gallo – ITALY 
Teresinka Pereira – USA, Miguel Jimenez – SPAIN, Dale Adams – CANADA, Meral Agar – TURKEY, Guido Vermeulen – BELGIUM, Dame Mailarta – CANADA

Daniel Ferguson, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA

Filmaker, writer, producer Daniel Ferguson
He introduced his latest film Jerusalem last evening here in Victoria at the IMAX Theatre.
Thanks Daniel for the autograph and great presentation.
Daniel takes a moment to answer questions from the audience . . 
Check out more at: IMDb

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Judith Light, Bel Air, California, USA

Thanks Judith! Very much appreciated!
# 754 in the post card series is returned.
See more on Judith's work at her official site: JUDITH LIGHT

Borderline Grafix, Austin, Texas, USA

 Thanks to Borderline Grafix 
Fellow IUOMA member for this mailing. 
See you in the mail!

Richard Hanna, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

Richard Hanna in Melody Moore
Thanks so much Richard . .  The package made my mail day!
I will proudly have this photo displayed near the Big Red Chair . . 
It has been a delight to the many sitters who come to visit Studio J . .  
All the best . . 
Check out this amazingly multi-talented artist at: IMDb
With Love and Laughter always, M.

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.