Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Portrait Documentation Page 51

Special Thanks to:

Franco Ballabeni – ITALY, Buz Blurr – USA, Torill Elizabeth Larsen – NORWAY, Carol Thomas – USA, Varju Krisztián – HUNGARY, Johan Van Geluwe — BELGIUM

Jessie Homer French — USA, Terry O'Reilly — CANADA, Gregg Biggs — USA, Sugar Irmer — GERMANY, Janet Rogers — CANADA, Richard Anderson —USA

Nicole Eippers – BELGIUM, Eric Bruth – FRANCE, Elizabeth Litton – CANADA, Mary Fox – CANADA, Lezbag – USA, Jason Berlin — USA

Tom Robbins – USA, Celestino Neto – BRAZIL, Bruno Cassaglia – ITALY, Constança Lucas – BRASIL, Liv Ullmann – NORWAY, Rachel Berman - CANADA

Buz Blurr, Gurdon, Arkansas, USA

Portrait stamps from The Ex Postal Facto event in San Francisco
Buz has been busy!
Love them, thanks so much!

LuAnn T. Palazzo, Islip, New York, USA

Postcard # 766 arrives from the Design Diva - LuAnn T. Palazzo
The Pre Fluxus Time Travel Circus - Medusa
Unofficial Membership Card for the NY Correspondance School

Thanks so much!
See you in the mail!

Rachel Berman, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Rachel's self portrait wearing a Pillbox hat . .  #33/33

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Liv Ullmann, Olso, NORWAY

Delighted to get # 777 of the postcard mailings  . . Many Thanks to actress and director Liv Ullmann.
More about her at:  IMDb 

Constança Lucas, Sao Paulo, BRASIL

Thanks Constanca . . .
More from Constança Lucas at: Arte Postal

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Bruno Cassaglia, Quiliano, Savona, ITALY

 Thanks to artist Bruno Cassaglia for the return of Portrait Postcard # 758
More from Bruno at: WEST EAST
Also enclosed was a work made from a performance painting.
More art from Bruno at: 

Celestino Neto, São Paulo, BRAZIL

Thanks to Celestino for this print portrait. 
It had quite a journey since it went to Newfoundland and then back across the country to British Columbia. 
More from Mr Neto at his Blog: Galeira Celestino Neto

Friday, May 23, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Elizabeth Litton, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Portrait of artist Elizabeth from the inside cover of her recent show catalogue.
More of her work at: Elizabeth Litton

Eric Bruth, Montrouge, FRANCE

Portrait Postcard
Merci Eric!
Check out Eric's site: My Mail Art World

NIcole Eippers, Melin, BELGIUM

Sketch on envelope
More form artist Nicole Eippers at her site: Piggy One Mail Art

Richard Anderson, Beverly Hills, California, USA

Thanks Richard . . #761 in the post cards mailings have come home.
More on actor Richard Anderson at: 

Janet Rogers, Victoria. British Columbia, CANADA

Thanks Janet - great to hear from you . . mail coming your way soon!

Sugar Irmer, Berlin, GERMANY

Thanks Sugar . . another piece for the Portrait Puzzle.

Gregg Biggs, The Museum of Unclaimed Ephemera, San Francisco, California, USA

A Mobile Museum Exhibit arrives . .  Many Thanks Gregg!
Check out the site for the Musuem: Museum of Unclaimed Ephemera

Friday, May 9, 2014

Terry O'Reilly, Creemore, Ontario, CANADA

Special Thanks to Terry who was recently in Victoria 
for his presentation  "On Advertising in the Movies"
Check out his site: Terry O'Reilly

Jessie Homer French, La Quinta, California, USA

Selfie in La Quinta
Thanks Jessie . . an envelope already in the works!
See you in the mail.

Johan Van Geluwe, Waregem, Flanders, BELGIUM

 Postcard mailing #571 transformed into an authentic reproduction.
 Thanks Johan and the Museum of Museums for the resplendent response. 

Varju Krisztián, Esztergom, HUNGARY

Thanks Kristian, 
Check out his page on Face Book: Varju Kristian

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.