Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mariana Serban, Targu Mures, ROMANIA

Another in the amazing self-portraits arrive from Mariana. She most likely has # 1 spot for most entries into the portrait mailings. Thanks again . . and Best wishes from Canada!

Matthew Rose, Paris, FRANCE

One of One Thousand Queens 
Return of portrait postcard with portrait of Matthew by Philippe Bonan
Check out more from this artist at: Matthew Rose

Marta Belles, Lleida, SPAIN

Artistamps portraits from Marta along with a number of her other stamps
Muchas gracias!

Anna Boschi, Bologna, ITALY

A portrait package arrives from Anna  . . . 
check out more from her at: Anna Boschi
Many Thanks!

Colin Scholl, San Diego, California, USA

Thanks Colin . . see you in the mail.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

José Luis Hernández Galán, IGAKUSEI, Sevilla, SPAIN

More mail art from Jose at his site: IGAKUSEI

Otto D. Sherman, New York, New York, USA

What a wonderful package of artistamps that arrived from Otto. A special edition Mailarta - Newfoundland stamp. I LOVE THEM! Thanks so much my friend . .  I look forward to assembling a special package to find its way to your mailbox before too long.
Check out his site: OTTOART
Kindest regards, with Love and Laughter, M.

B. Cosby, California, USA

Sometimes the cards I send find their way home with interesting notes attached . . though unsigned I appreciate that they made the effort to return the card. 

Mariana Serban, Targu Mures, ROMANIA

Drawings and Christmas Greetings

Conrad Anker, Bozeman, Montana, USA

Many Thanks to Conrad and family . . 
Isaac, Sam, Jenni, Corad, Max
All the best to you all in 2014!

Robert Conrad, Sunland, California, USA

#707 in the mailings has been returned  . . .
Many Thanks to Robert Conrad for the autograph.

Valery Shimanovsky, Tatarstan, RUSSIA

New year greetings from my friend Valery in Tatarstan . . 
Happy New Year to you too!

Francois Leduc, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA

Recently met Francois while he was in Victoria promoting the latest IMAX film Great White Shark
Francois Leduc is a breath hold diver who played a critical role in the filming of Great White Shark; it was his job to ensure the divers featured on screen had their backs covered. He dove in and swam freely with sharks, the preditor we have all learned to fear, the ocean's largest and arguably most dangerous animal.

Roberto Scala, Naples, ITALY

#740 in the postcard mailings finds its way to my mailbox . . I know Roberto had been awaiting word of the mail arriving, but it took some time and finally arrived in the post Christmas mail. Many Thanks my friend . . See you in the mail!

mail art package from Roberto included several drawings  
"Cut Time"

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Joan Rivers, New York, New York, USA

Thanks to Joan for this first posting to find its way into my mailbox for 2014. A great way to begin a new year of portraits for the Studio J ArtSpace walls. A much needed smile in the day and to guide the new year ahead.

Check out Joan's official website here: Joan Rivers
With much Love and Laughter, M.

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.