Saturday, December 21, 2013

Chris Newstead, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Chris Newstead - part of the talented musical cast of the Dinner Theatre Production at the David Foster Foundation Theatre, Oak Bay Beach Hotel
"It's Christmas"
November 9 - December 24

Thanks to everyone for signing the program. 
Truly made for a magical Christmas Eve to be in the surrounds of such incredible talent and beautiful music. Merry Christmas Everyone!

Calling One and All . . .

Excited to announce this mail art collaboration with the Grenfell Campus Art Gallery and Rogue Art Gallery at the Eastern Edge in St. John's. 
I'll be making an appearance in Corner Brook, NL on January 10th.
See you in the mail . . perhaps even at the gallery!
as always, 
with Love and Laughter, Mailarta (Queen of Poste)

CALL FOR MAIL ART: Dame's Portrait Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador

Dame's Portrait Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador at the Grenfell Campus Art Gallery. January 9 - February 15, 2014. Send us an autographed portrait of yourself anytime from now until February 15, 2014 for inclusion in Dame's Portrait Gallery.

This is a pop-up portrait gallery happening In conjunction with the exhibition TRANSformations: DALE ROBERTS/DAME MAILARTA, curated by Ingrid Mary Percy, at the Grenfell Campus Art Gallery, January 9 – February 15, 2014.

Please mail to:

Dame's Portrait Gallery
c/o Art Gallery
Grenfell Campus MUN
PO Box 2000
Corner Brook, NL A2H 6P9

Or email to: (Subject: NL Portrait)

In St. John’s, from January 11 – February 1, 2014, you can submit a portrait to:
Dame Mailarta’s Portrait Studio/Workshop
in the Rogue Gallery at Eastern Edge, 72 Harbour Drive.

January 16th - I'll Draw You if You Draw Me an evening of community-led portrait creation at Eastern Edge 7-9pm with music, snacks and art supplies. All portraits will be sent to Dame Mailarta's Portrait Gallery in Corner Brook! Feel free to bring additional supplies, props, and backdrops!

February 12th - A reception for Dame Mailarta’s Portrait Gallery at the Grenfell Campus Art Gallery 4:30-6pm as part of the Grenfell Campus MUN Community Engagement Week festivities.

Mariano Bellaroso, Milano, ITALY

Thanks Mariano . .great to hear from you . . check out more from this artist at his web page: Di Sogno In Segno

Tierre Joline, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

The Incredible, ever so talented Tierre Taylor . . 
A lover of hats . . and Millner extraordinaire . . 
See her amazing creations at her web site: Tierre Joline - Couture Millinery

Friday, December 20, 2013

Magie Dominic, New York, New York, USA

Magie Dominic
Dear friend and artist . . connecting to the planetary power points . . 
Magie has just published her new book:
Street Angel
See the link at: Wilfred Laurier Press

Monday, December 16, 2013

Sugar Irmer, Berlin, GERMANY

Another fascinating photo/collage portrait from Sugar.
Thanks again my friend . . see you in the mail!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hilda Paz, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

A self portrait print arrives from Argentina mailartist Hilda Paz
Many Thanks Hilda. 
Feliz año!

Ottmar Bergmann, Gylsboda, Sweden

Thanks again to Ottmar for another intriguing collage self portrait, such colour and complexity. I am working on a reply at the studio currently . .  this will be a fun piece to respond to. . . See you in the mail!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Eddie Izzard, London, ENGLAND

Special Thanks to Eddie for signing this image for me. 
Had such a great time at his performance "Force Majeure" when he was in Victoria. He has to be one of the funniest people on the planet. 
Here's a shot from his Q & A with his fans after the peformance. He was brilliant with the responses. . .  such a pleasure to see a performer so honestly "present" for his fans. 
Be sure to check out his site: Eddie Izzard

Love the nails!

Cristina Blank, Wörthsee, GERMANY

Print on Rice Paper
Many Thanks Cristina . . More from this artist at: 5BLANKS

Frank Fine, Berlin, GERMANY

Frank Fine - Performance Artist
Many Thanks to my friend Frank in Berlin for posting these mighty fine cards . .  
I Do Believe!
See you in the mail soon!
Love and Laughter as always, M.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.