Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Keiichi Nakamura, Tokyo, JAPAN

Thanks to Keiichi
One of my ongoing mail art corresponDancers . . 
More from him at his website: Keiichi Nakamura

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nick Bantock, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Thanks Nick . . (and Joyce) Delighted to have met you both and shared a part of my world with you. Till next time . .  see you in the mail!
Be sure and check out Nick's site: Nick Bantock
and follow his blog postings . . Nick Bantock's Blog

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Ilia Ruiz Piscoliche, Patagonia, ARGENTINA

Another artist from Patagonia sends her portrait . . Thanks Ilia . .  see you in the mail!

Linda Rogers, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA


Soon her girls will long for the compost:
Soft bed of rose petals
coffee grounds, old newspapers, fish bones
ready to jump in the river,
O amazing gravity
O Amazon Warrior women
No artificial sweeteners for her or her worn out doll
no fresh lipstick, no gel inserts, no lifts

no nothing but
Elixor O' Amour,
her amuse bouche

Linda Rogers

(photo by: Darshan)
Another signature folded work with poem arrives from Linda . . Thanks so much! 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Portrait Documentation Page 37

Special Thanks to:

Guy Laliberte — Canada, Joe Savino — Ireland, Jaspal Singh — India, Scott Eichel — Canada, Vic Jonez — USA, Beth Neilson Chapman — USA
Pier Robert Bassi — Italy, Test Tower — USA, Sylvanus Robbins — Canada, Yvonne Owens — Canada, PM John Key — New Zealand, Kerosene — Canada
Clemente Padin — Uruguay, Paul Hewson — Canada, Marina Salmaso — Denmark, Ruby Beaumont — Canada, Ed Hanssen — Netherlands, Chuck Welch — USA
Angela Lansbury — USA, Merina Rael — Canada, Joseph Willimas — Canada, Zoe Wanamaker — UK, Robin Williams — USA, Brad Pasutti — Canada

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.