Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Buz Blurr, Gurdon, Arkansas, USA

Thanks Buz . . great to hear from you . . mail coming your way soon . . 
Check out Buz's Flickr Page: Principality of buZ

A. Sleep, Taos, New Mexico, USA

Thanks "A" . . fellow IUOMA member and
from my search I see you are with . .
Taos Artisans  cooperative Gallery 
107 Bent Street
Taos, NM 87571

Many Thanks . .  and I'll see you in the mail . . best from Canada

Lorraine Kwan, Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA

Another brilliant visual play by the author and artist Lorraine Kwan . . see her blog:  Paper and Postage 

Elaine Mari, Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA

Self Portrait 
Many Thanks to friend and artist Elaine Mari . . you can see her artwork at her site: ELAINE MARI
See you in the mail!

Brad Pasutti, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

A fantastic photo montage from the multi talented artist Brad Pasutti.
See more of his work at his website: Brad Pasutti
Many Thanks Brad . . 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Zoe Wanamaker, London, ENGLAND

Another of my favorite actresses . . Thanks so much Zoe, check out more from this amazing talent at her website: ZOE WANAMAKER
See you in the mail. 

Robin Williams, Beverley Hills, California, USA

Thanks Robin . . delighted to have you join the studio menagerie . . . 
Love and Laughter,  . . more about Robin at:  Robin

Joseph Williams, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Artist Joseph Williams avec Moi at last years Paint-In . . . Thanks for mailing.

Merina Rael, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

A new friend from the MISSA experience this past month while teaching in Metchosin.
Thanks Merina!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Angela Lansbury, Los Angeles, California, USA

Angela as Auntie Mame
Mame Dennis has to be one of my favourite characters . . as Mame says . . Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death! LIVE LIVE LIVE . . .
Special Thanks to Angela Lansbury for these signatures to join the Portrait Palace . . more from this amazing actress at: IMDb Angela Lansbury

Crackerjack Kid, Chuck Welch, Hancock, New Hampshire, USA

Thanks to Crackerjack Kid for this most recent mailing . .  . . See more on the history of this mailartist at: MAIL ART INDEX

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ed Hanssen, Ax Nunhem, The NETHERLANDS

Thanks Mister Birdman . . check out more from Ed at his site: EDHANSSEN
See you in the mail . . I have a card started . . now will get it in the mail to you.
All the best from here . . 

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.