Monday, February 25, 2013

Sugar Irmer, Berlin, GERMANY

Canada Post Apology Mailing Bag in my mailbox -
inside is the torn picture postcard portrait from my friend Sugar.

Dr. Klaus Groh, Edewecht, GERMANY

Portrait Postcard arrives from
More info of this mixed media artist at: WIKI

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Jonathan Pryce, London, ENGLAND

The highlight in my day when I check the mailbox and this surprise portrait of Mr. Jonathan Pryce arrived. I was having a period of wondering about the responses in relation to the numbers of postings I send out. Its when a mailing like this comes along it replenishes my enthusiasm so I keep the project going full speed ahead. So many Thanks Jonathan, much appreciated!
Kindest Regards,
with Love and Laughter always,

Tom Morrissey, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Thanks to Tom for this signed poster.
Tom's band site: TOM MORRISSEY BAND
Tom comes from a musical family his mother Joan Morrissey was a very well known Newfoundlander. She is considered Newfoundland's First Lady of Song . . . I grew up listening to her music and am delighted to have this talented music man in our city.

James Earl Jones, Pawling, New York, USA

The Force is With Me!
#258  (March 2012) in the series . . sent to a theatre in England where James was performing at the time. Though my card didn't get autographed, the letter is . . and in the spirit of mail art . . it works for me. Thanks to J. E. Jones for the reply. 

Guido Bondioli, Solola, GUATEMALA

# 406 in the series finds its way back to the studio . .with an additional enclosure from Guido. 
Thanks so much!
More from him at his site: GUIDO

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snappy, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Love the Glasses Monsieur SNAPPY . . .and all those IAP Edition stamps too.
Check out more from Snappy at his blog site: Snappy Service

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Portrait Documentation Page 32

Portrait Project Edition 32
Special Thanks to: Nicole Eippers - BELGIUM, Gianni Donaudi - ITALY, Holly Arntzen and Kevin Wright - CANADA, Superhero - USA, Ruggero Maggi - ITALY, Reid Wood - USA
Andreas Kuntner - AUSTRIA, Bruce Morgan - CANADA, I.G.H., Private World - USA, Jokie Wilson - USA, G. Arttower Schwind - GERMANY, Donna Eichel - CANADA
David Stafford - USA, Stephen Walker - USA, Dela Wilkins - CANADA, Roberto Formigoni - ITALY, Mete Sarabi - USA, Michael Kelly - USA
John Bennett - USA, Vittore Baroni - ITALY, Guido Vermeulen - BELGIUM, Jas W. Felter - CANADA, Frips, Ria Bauwens - BELGIUM, Claudio Romeo - ITALY

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ruggero Maggi, Milano, ITALY

Ruggero's work can be seen at: RUGGERO MAGGI

Susana Marta Picasso, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

A package of ephemera from SMP

Jeffrey Ringer, Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA

More from this artist at his site: STUDIO JEFF

Roberto Formigoni, Brescia, ITALY

Check out his site at: Roberto Formigoni

Claudio Romeo, Milan, ITALY

 Thanks Claudio, See more about this artist at: GUZZARDI

Frips, Ria Bauwens, Gent, BELGIUM

Check out Frips site for more of her work: FRIPS

Jas W. Felter, Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA

Many Thanks Jas . . 

Guido Vermeulen, Brussels, BELGIUM

Guido is a poet and a graphical artist who has playing inside the mail art network since 1994 and is still loving this global and eternal network of communication. This is a link to his network and documentation site.  FRIOUR
The link to a personal blog is
Guido was in my very first set of portraits when I began five years ago. Thanks Guido, love the envelope painting.  Now I mst see what I can do for your next mailing.

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.