Friday, September 28, 2012

Boris Johnson, London, ENGLAND

Thanks to the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson for his response to #486 in the post card mailing. Perhaps a record for speed of mailing since the date on the envelope is the 24th . . it arrived in my mailbox the morning of the 26th.
The Mayor's website: LONDON

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ginny Lloyd, Gina Lotta Post, Jupiter, Florida, USA

Thanks Ginny!
Just got word that the book is in the mail . . looking forward to getting it. Thanks to you and Catherine Bennett for all your hard work.

Olympians . . Victoria, BC . . Home from London Games

Met many of the London Olympic Medal winners this afternoon at a meet and greet in Centennial Square.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dan Sali, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Moss Street Paint-In Edition
Artist Dan Sali

Charlie Condou, Manchester, ENGLAND

Thanks Charlie . . love seeing you in Coronation Street
Charlie's WIKI page

I.G.H., Private World, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Thanks I.G.H. / Private World for this drawing/collage portrait

Jessie Homer French, La Quinta, California, USA

Jessie in Oregon

Robert Neufeld, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Fellow Dame Edna Enthusiast . . during her performance in Vancouver. Robert got to be one of the audience members to go onstage with the Dame.
Thanks to Robert for passing along his audience catch of Joe Boxers during the show. They are now joining the "Dame Edna Shrine" at the studio.

Deanna Fountain, Palm Desert, California, USA

Check out Deanna's Blog : deDeanna's Simple Pleasures

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Moss Street Special Edition, Documentation Page 27

Thanks to:
Agnes Ananichuk, Cavana, Chris Broadbent, Eduard Kajdasz, Haren Vakil, Jo Ludwig
 June Higgins, Lisa Samphire, Louise Monfette, Melanie Willing, Nancy Slaght, Peggy Brackett
Wendy Pickens, Charles Campbell, Sandy Voldeng, Sheila Norgate, Mike Leavy, Edmir Fernandes
Lisa Riehl, Jenny Waelti-Walters, June Haynes, Leonard Barrett, Gareth Gaudin, Sandy Terry 

Sandy Terry, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Moss Street Edition
Vist Sandy's website: Sandy Terry

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lee Aaker, Mammoth Lakes, California, USA

Thanks Lee . . for # 126 in the series finding its way home . . With the postmarks on the card I expect it has travelled for awhile. 

The Adventures of Rin-Tin-Tin

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Carl Chew, Seattle, Washington, USA

Thanks to Carl for this addition of AARPEX stamps editions.
Look forward to seeing you in Seattle.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Seal, London, ENGLAND

Seal Henry Olusegun Olumide Adeola Samuel 
One of the highlights of the week was going to the post office and getting my mail - an envelope with this portrait of Seal. 
His music has inspired me in the surrounds of my studio for many years.
Thanks so much Seal.

Lisa Samphire, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Glass Artist Lisa Samphire:

Melanie Willing, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Moss Street Edition
Painter Melanie Willing

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.