Monday, February 28, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

Emilio Morandi, Bergamo, ITALY

I've been corresponding with Emilio for many years now . . I finally get to see his likeness on paper . . When I started this Portrait Project I really had no idea where it would go . . I'm loving having so many variations of portraiture surround me in my studio. 
This month marks 3 years since the start of the project and I now have 34 countries represented at the Portrait Palace!
Thanks to all . . 

Vanessa Kister, Curitiba, BRAZIL

Mail with Kisses from Brazil
More of Vanessa's art here: Caixas Poeticas

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Documentation - Page 15 of the Portrait Project

Documentation Page 15 of the Portrait Project

Thanks to:
John G. Boehme - Canada, Doug Walker - Canada, Miranda Vissers - Netherlands, Nicolaas DeVos - Canada, Veronique Rigole - Belgium, Ginger Mason - Canada
Ron James - Canada, Servat C. - Argentina, Claudio Gavina - Italy, Isobel Gordon - Canada, Cuan Miles - South Africa, Vincent Pons - France
Ricardo Pezzoli - Italy, Roberto Formigoni - Italy, David Stafford - USA, Scott Eichel - Canada, Steve Dalachinsky - USA, Alan Bass - Canada
Elizabeth Litton - Canada, Louise Heroux - Canada, Lothar Trott - Switzerland, Lorraine Kwan - Canada, Beli Zlaticanin - Montenegro, John Tingey - England

Friday, February 18, 2011

John Tingey, Newbury, Berks, ENGLAND

John at the mail box holding his book "The Englishman who Posted Himself and Other Curious Objects"

For more information check out the website: WR Bray
Special Thanks to Author John Tingey for these additions to the portrait project. I am so happy that the timing worked out for the bookstore in Regina, SK to have received the book the day we arrived. It has been a real inspiration.
If you haven't already picked up a copy of this book it is a must have for any library.

Beli Zlaticanin, Podgorica, MONTENEGRO

The first mail artist portrait from Montenegro 
Thanks Beli!
See you in the mail . . 

Lorraine Kwan, Vancouver, BC, CANADA

This portrait inspired me this morning to do one of my 5-7-5 Liners

Lines of the hand tell
Boundary's contour reveal
 What's in the cupboard

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Louise Heroux, Gatineau, Quebec, CANADA

Thanks to Louise for this introspective and insightful portrait. 
and kindest regards to Roberto for yet another recommendation. 
I'll be seeing you in the mail.

Elizabeth Litton, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

1.25" x 5.5" 
Block print and paint on painted masonite 
# 1 of 100 from Elizabeth Litton. 
Check out more from her exciting art drop project on her site: : London /Oxford 

Magnetic backing and tagged for discovery . . 
All the best with the UK show!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Steve Dalachinsky, New York, NY, USA

Heart of Gold . . .
Steve Dalachinsky is a New York downtown poet. He is active in the poetry, music, art and music- Free jazz scene. . . 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Scott Eichel, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Colonel Scott Eichel 1982-85

Brigadier General Scott Eichel 1986

Thanks to my dear friend Scott Eichel, (Major General, retired) and the enthusiasm of his wife Donna for this addition to the Portrait Gallery. What a great afternoon of possibilities and ideas . . .
Inspiration for future developments of the project flourish . .
Great stories and memories of events past . . .
Love and Laughter always,

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Roberto Formigoni, Brescia, ITALY

Check out the link to the work of: Roberto Formigoni

An envelope of incredible visual feasting  . . with annotated art catalogue and portrait enclosed. 

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.