Saturday, January 29, 2011

Riccardo Pezzoli, Brescia, ITALY

"Is this a Self Portrait" 
Riccardo writes that Portraits often produce half a likeness of the person portrayed and half a likeness of the painter who is making the work. 
This portrait was done without a mirror, using only his memory of himself. 
Collaged geometrics and symbols added to the work adding to mysterious qualities we each have.
Brescia, 14 Jan 2011

Collage on photocopy
"Totem Pole"
With gratitude to my friend R. Formigoni for sharing the Portrait Call with his artists friends.  
You can see more from this talented and prolific artist at: Riccardo Pezzoli

Vincent Pons, Bourg-la-reine, FRANCE

Roll the Dice  . . go on and . . take a look further into the work of this artist at his blog site: Vincent Pons

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cuan Miles, Vincent, South Africa

Thanks to Cuan in South Africa for this addition to the Portrait Project.
Smilestudios is a graphic design/illustration studio run by Cuan Miles
Supplying a full range of services in the graphic design and visual communication areas with a special interest in humorous illustration and cartooning. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Servat C., La Plata, ARGENTINA

A package arrives today from Servat C. in Argentina. 
Image from the Performance "Adorame"

"Burns: Experience from a notebook"
I'd love to know more about this artist . . anyone have insights to share?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ron James, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

From one of my favourite funny men . . .Ron James
If you have a chance do check out one of his live shows.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ginger Mason, Vancouver, BC, CANADA

"Canoeing on Lake Superior"

In the Light of a Prism . . Photo by Anna Banana

Farm visit, Okanogan, BC

Seen with the kitchen reno

GINGERSNAPS . . delivering her mail express Poste . . 
Thanks Ginger . . great to have you onboard the Portrait Parade

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Nicolaas DeVos, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA

Nick has been performing since the age of 11 when he lived in Holland.
He is currently a singer with the Silver Stars Musical Revue Society in Calgary.
Congrats to Nick and Tom who celebrate more than 50 years together!

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.