Friday, August 27, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kobb, Pensacola, Florida, USA

Thanks Kobb . . FANTASTIC Portrait . .  and Thanks for all the enclosed goodies . .  
Will be writing soon to find out more on the Shrunken Head . . 
Love and Laughter

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dean Koontz, Newport Beach, CA, USA

The treasure of my day  . . found in my mailbox.
Thanks to Dean and friend for a special Boo shout out from south of the border. 
Check out his official site: Dean Koontz

Saturday, August 14, 2010

John G. Boehme, Victoria, BC, CANADA

Thanks to Victoria's own artist John G. Boehme for an amazing grouping of images for the project . .
Be sure and check out his site: John G. Boehme

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lorraine Kwan, Vancouver, BC, CANADA

Thanks Lorraine for the Well Weathered Art Warrior and enclosed puzzled poem

Lorraine has a new Mail Art Call:
FASHION - Send your visual views on clothing, fads and fashions.
Please make the envelope a fashion statement. Then stuff it with tissue paper, wrapping paper and ribbon that has been printed with any kind of advertising or logos. Old clothing labels would be great too. Samples posted on my blog. Mailing Size: not important. Technique: anything on your envelope. Deadline: Dec 31, 2010. All mail to be posted on Documentation to all in the spring of 2011. I will be making a dress with everything you send - stamps, envelopes, paper, ribbon and labels. With luck the dress will become part of a fashion show on recycling. Questions? Lorraine Kwan #202, 3580 West 41st Ave Vancouver BC Canada V6N 3E6

Friday, August 6, 2010

Edition 12 of the Portrait Gallery Documentation - August 2010

Thanks to: 

Vincent Pons - France, Dewi - Canada, Francis & Leonie Osowski - Australia, Jaromir Svozilik - Norway, Umberto Basso - Italy, Pat Martin Bates - Canada
Coralette Damme - USA, Dorian Ribas Marinho - Brasil, Ottmar Bergmann - Sweden, Peter Netmail - Germany, Mete Sarabi - USA, Uli Grohmann - Germany
Sibyll Kalff - Germany, Monica Rex - USA, Ivan Zemtsov - Russia, Chevy Chase  - USA, Sharon Silverman - USA, Anne Jarvis - Canada
Steve Dalachinsky - USA, Michael Ward - Canada, Nuria Constant - Canada, Nadine Fenton - Canada, Herman Kamphuis - Netherlands, Lupiro el Anavalo - Spain

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jose Luis Alcalde Soberanes, Col. San Angel, MEXICO

Thanks Jose Luis  . . . delighted to have you in the grouping of faces that greet me each day as I enter into the Studio J ArtSpace.
All the best from the isle . .
Love and Laughter

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.