Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nula Horo, Lupiro el Anavalo and Kesado, Rojales, SPAIN

Thanks for your addition to the Portrait Palace . . Lupiro
I look forward to adding you to my mail list of CorresponDancers.

Saludos y Gracias

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nadine Fenton, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA

Thanks to Nadine for this portrait postcard
. . who poses the question "does anyone ever see us the way we see ourselves"?
San Francisco, 1965

Friday, July 23, 2010

Herma Kamphuis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Thanks Herma . . The first entry from Amsterdam. I Always enjoy your collages. I'll be seeing you in the mail. . . soon.

2 more portraits and I'll work on the Page 12 Edition of documentation. Off the the studio and check the mailbox!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nadine Fenton, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA

Thanks Nadine in Montreal . . Great postcard find . . and rendition of self . .
Much appreciated . .

Check out more from Nadine at her blog site: Knitting with a Poodle

Post Card Image:
Philip Whalen showing his drip portrait by Michael McClure, San Francisco, 1965

Monday, July 19, 2010

Nuria Constant, Victoria, BC, CANADA

My friend Nuria with one of her amazing quilt creations.
She is truly an inspiration . . . Art of the heart through her hands.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Michael Ward, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Photography by Eunice Montenegro Studios


Photo by Sean Sherstone

Thanks to Michael Ward for this selection from his modeling portfolio. (More to add once I get time to catch up on the scanning.)
More from Michael at his page on ModelMayhem

Steve Dalachinsky, New York, NY, USA

Steve . . before being born
assimilating all
all of the languages of time
with twin brother beetle
sharing the language womb
pre-tower of Babel

Anne Jarvis, Duncan, BC, CANADA

Special Thanks to Anne for this portrait of Michael.

Check out her Blog: Anne Jarvis Art

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sharon Silverman, Haverhill, MA, USA

Thanks Sharon . . (Fellow IUOMA member)

Great to have you on board . . .
I'll be seeing you in the mail.

Also check out her mail art call: The Face of Jesus Christ

Monday, July 5, 2010

Chevy Chase, Los Angeles, California, USA

Thanks so much Chevy . . a most welcomed delight in my day to get your mail.
All the very best
with Love and Laughter Always

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.