Monday, March 22, 2010

Eddie Nero, Eugene, Oregon, USA

Ah . . getting the mail is such a delight especially when you get mail from someone that you haven't met through the mail yet . .The Network is a wonderful thing. Thanks Eddie for this Portrait . . . More from Eddie at his site: Eddie Nero

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Medwolf, Battleford, Saskatchewan, CANADA

Thanks to Medwolf for a . . Zack sighting?

Igor Bartolech, Novi Sad, YUGOSLAVIA

"World Without Warning"

Thanks Igor . . .It's good to hear from you again. Working on something for the next mailing to you at the studio.

Documentation Page 9

Special thanks to this group of artists for being part of the Portrait Project Page 9:

Natasa Stanisic - Bosnia & Herzegovina, Maria Oliveira - Brasil, Jastan Young - USA, Daniel de Culla - Spain, Beanie McMouse - UK, Satu Kaikkonen - Finland
Stuart McLean - Canada, Elizabeth Dismorr - UK, James Wilkinson - UK, Nico Van Hoorn - Netherlands, G. Arttower Schwind - Germany, Zoe Peck - USA
Jessie Homer French - USA, Samuel Montalvetti - Argentina, Buz Blurr - USA, Florica Prevenda - Romania, Robert Znajomski - Poland, Steve Dalachinsky - USA
Chin Yuen - Canada, Ettore Tomas - Italy, Helina Kinnersley & Attlia Basset - Canada, Petala Eythia - Greece, Mary Ellen Threadkell - Canada, Jungyoun Kim - Korea

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Audrey Feltham, Deer Lake, Newfoundland, CANADA

From a classmate and friend in Newfoundland . . an amazing artist . . check out more from Audrey at: Atelier West

Claudio Gavina, Milano, ITALY

Thanks Claudio . . There's mail heading your way this morning from the desk of Mailarta and the overflowing composite of "Things TO DO".

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.