Send a signed portrait . .for Dame's Portrait Gallery @ Studio J and get one in return . . a catalogue will eventually get printed and sent out to those who participate . .
Thanks to the mailman I found this shimmering portrait slipped underneath my door when I went into the studio yesterday. A stencil work on cardboard. Thanks Junanne. Check out Junanne's art at: JUNANNE PECK
Thanks Massimo . . I enjoy getting to see what artists look like that I've written to for some time. Hope the leg has all mended . . . See you in the mail.
Thanks to Jungyoun for this recent mailing to the studio . . the first artist in my corresponDance from Korea . . Nice to meet you too! See you in the mail!
From the ever larger than life AGGV's own Mary-ellen . . . Thanks so much . . great shot. Hope to catch up with you soon . . Love and Laughter as always, Mailarta
Thanks to Buz for this "Mountain of Mugshots" . . Incredible body of work he has done. Wonder how the Ford Folly is doing . . I'll send more keys next time I write . . slowly but surely . . sort like me getting to the place of having 999 kens (dolls) on the wall!
Thanks Arttower . . fellow IUOMA member I was thinking it was time for me to send something your way . . the list of mailings keeps growing. See you in the mail!