Sunday, January 24, 2010

James Wilkinson, Newton Aycliffe, Co. Durham, UK

Thanks James . . will be writing soon . . stacks are mounting in the "TO DO" sections of my life . . hope to catch up with it all in good time.

Elizabeth Dismorr, Reading, Berks, UK

Thanks Mary
I'll be seeing you in the mail!

A member of IUOMA - Mary has a mail art call about phobias check out her blog: Phobias

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stuart McLean, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

From the Vinyl Cafe

Thanks Stuart (and to Louise Curtis) . . . Love your show . .
and many Thanks for the portrait addition . . . It'll be a treasure in my stories to visitors to the palace.
Love and Laughter

Satu Kaikkonen, Vesilahti , FINLAND

Thanks Satu . .
Check out more from this Visual Poet at: Sadun Kotisivut

Beanie McMouse, Hove, E. Sussex, UK

Thanks Beanie . . and you look wonderful in your belly dance outfit!!

Check out more from Beanie and Andrea at: FOUND ART

Daniel de Culla, Burgos, SPAIN

Thanks to Daniel for this interpretation of the self.

A multi faceted artist, Daniel is an IUOMA member

A Poet

Performance and Visual Artist

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

Maria Da Gloria Jesus De Oliveira, Porto Alegre, RS, BRAZIL

When saw your portrait stamp on a recent mailing to the studio I thought I should write and have you be part of the project . . .and here you are. Thanks for writing.
I'll see you in the mail!

Natasa Stanisic, Sarajevo, BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA

Thanks Natasa for your portrait.

Be sure and check out Natasa's web site: NATASASTANISIC

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Portrait Documentation Page 8

Page 8 of the ongoing Portrait Series

Special Thanks to:
Peter Netmail - Germany, Bill Friesen - Canada, Dylan Gunn - Canada, Matt Lucas - UK, Lauren Haber - USA, Craig Vincent - Canada
Mirta Caccaro - Italy, Parys St. Martin - USA, Jose M. Figueiredo - Portugal, Rod Summers - Netherlands, Eduardo Cardoso - Portugal, Monica Rex - USA
Raymond Furlotte - Canada, Umberto Basso - Italy, Sandie duBrule - Canada, Karl F. Hacker - Germany, Matthew Eichler - USA, Mike Azevedo - Canada
Claudio Gavina - Italy, Miguel Jimenez - Spain, Buz Blurr - USA, Sarah Appiah - USA, Servanne Morel - Belgium, Sigismund Urban - Germany

Sigismund Urban, Berlin, GERMANY

Thanks for the portraits and all the Add and Pass works . . now on the table of TO DO at the studio . . . See you in the Mail!

Elke Grundmann, Berlin, GERMANY

Thanks for the incredible package . . finally got to the stack of scanning on my desk.

Alex Cabral, Curitiba, Paraná, BRASIL

Thanks to Alex for this interesting addition to the gallery. Other works from the mailing to be posted on the Queen of Poste site.

See you in the Mail!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Roberto Scala, Massa Lubrense, Napoli, ITALY

"The Best famous Artist is John Lennon"

Thanks for the Portrait Roberto . . mail coming your way in the weeks ahead.
Happy New Year!


Thanks to Mart for this recent portrait mailing. The gold used in the original does not scan well . . so come by and see it in person when in downtown Victoria!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jürgen O. Olbrich, Kassel, GERMANY

per form # 9 - Kleine Manover
Jürgen O. Olbrich

Check out the you tube upload of the performance PING-PONG with Jurgen and Birger Jesch

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.