Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ficus Strangulensis, Charleston, WV, USA

Thanks Fike . . Panjandrum of Blorchistan
Fertilizer of the One Tree

Always a pleasure to get your mailings.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mete Sarabi, Champaign, IL, USA

"Nothing but blue skies . . .
Thanks Mete . .

Pistol Pete, Bayone, New Jersey, USA

Pistol Pete by Buzz Blurr

Thanks Pete . .

Giovanni and Renata StraDa Da, Ravenna, ITALY

Life is strange how crossovers happen . . I was just making a note in the studio to write to you . et voila . .there you are in the mailbox . . delighted to hear from you . . . more from the mailing can be seen in the Mailarta Queen of Poste blogsite.

See you in the mail!

Check out more from Giovanni at: STRADA

Friday, October 9, 2009

Dawn Redwood, London, ENGLAND

A computer drawing that was the base for a painting

Stamps for the 2009 Minden Festival

Various enclosed stamps:

Thanks to Dawn for this composite self portrait work. I'm hoping one day to make it to the Minden Festival.
See you in the Poste!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Valery Shimanovsky & Olga Sorokina , Tatarstan, RUSSIA

Thanks Valery for the mailing including documentation from the Domino Project.

PC Tictac, Starnberg, GERMANY

Thanks to Patrizia for following through with a mail art posting via the Brain cell Edition # 748. The first to reply from that mail art posting.
I look forward to sending you BUBBLES for your Mail Art Call: Tictac-Bubbles

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Portrait Project Documentation Page 6

Page 6 of the Portrait gallery Project is complete . . and page 7 already underway
Many Thanks to:
Andrea McNeill - UK, Pierpaolo Limongelli - Italy, Igor Bartolech - Yugoslavia, Arturo Fallico - USA, Malok - USA, Lucia M.T. Bammann - Brasil
Tim Scannel - USA, Steve Gerberich - USA, Graham Harrison - Canada, Lubomyr Tymkiv - Ukraine, Katarina Nikoltsou - Greece, Ted Rettig - Canada
Nadia Poltosi - Brasil, Sheri Ayers - USA, Mark Greenfield - UK, Rick Raxlen - Canada, Luigino Solamito - Italy, Arttower Schwind - Germany
Cherie Doughtie - USA, Judi James - Canada, Frips - Belgium, Fabio Sassi - Italy, Clemente Padin - Uruguay, Mailarta - Canada

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.