Send a signed portrait . .for Dame's Portrait Gallery @ Studio J and get one in return . . a catalogue will eventually get printed and sent out to those who participate . .
Thanks to Ted for a delightful package that arrived this week. He is an artist of incredible talent and generosity of spirit. . . one of the true mentors of my art career.
Page 5 in the ongoing series of Portraits . . Many Thanks to all the artists that have sent something along to the project. I am enjoying seeing the Palace walls at Studio J bejeweled with so many artistic interpretations of the self.
Mailing soon to follow!
Love and Laughter as always, Mailarta
Thanks Thomas I've enjoyed the search through webspaces and beyond to find out more on the Musicmaster . . see you in the mail soon . . Best from J Space . . M A M A M.
Thanks Thompson . . great to see a face to put with the name I've seen on so many Add & Pass projects. Just started another envelope for you. . . see you in the mail!