Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lubomyr Tymkiv, Lviv, UKRAINE


Great to hear from you . . I'll post the other parts of the mailing on the Queen of Poste site . .

Katarina Nikoltsou, Thessaloniki, GREECE

Thanks Katerina . . for "Then and Now"
She is also a member of IUOMA
Be sure and send something along to her mail art call: "No to Violence -Yes to Create - the Limits"

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ted Rettig, Weston, ON, Canada

Thanks to Ted for a delightful package that arrived this week. He is an artist of incredible talent and generosity of spirit. . . one of the true mentors of my art career.

Nadia Poltosi, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, BRASIL

A stitched, multi-layered work from Nadia
Thanks!See you in the mail!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mark Greenfield, Newcastle, Staffs, ENGLAND

All you need are Ray bans and a decoder . . Thanks Mark . . I'll see you in the mail . .

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Luigino Solamito, Ventimiglia, Imperia, ITALY

I was thinking about you just yesterday as I was sorting through mail and today here you are in the mailbox! Thanks for the poste.

G. Arttower Schwind, Aschaffenburg, GERMANY

Thanks Arttower . . Great to hear from you. . . quite like all the stamps you have made.

See: Arttowers Mail Art

Cherie's Eklectika, St. Petersburg, FL, USA

Thanks Cherie . . I would feel completely at home in your shop . . so much like my studio.

Check out Cherie's Eklectika

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Portrait Documentation - Page 5

Page 5 in the ongoing series of Portraits . . Many Thanks to all the artists that have sent something along to the project. I am enjoying seeing the Palace walls at Studio J bejeweled with so many artistic interpretations of the self.

Mailing soon to follow!
Love and Laughter as always,

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Musicmaster, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Thanks Thomas

I've enjoyed the search through webspaces and beyond to find out more on the Musicmaster . . see you in the mail soon . .
Best from J Space . .
M A M A M.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mete Sarabi, Champaign, IL, USA

It is an interesting thing to watch ourselves turn into our parents . . .
I see there is a website with the BIG BIG QUESTION

Thanks Mete . . I'll be seeing you in the mail soon . .

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thompson, Tarpon Springs, FL, USA

Thanks Thompson . . great to see a face to put with the name I've seen on so many Add & Pass projects. Just started another envelope for you. . . see you in the mail!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kris Mininger, Caceres, SPAIN

Thanks Kris for your addition to the Portrait Gallery Project.Look forward to sending Mail Art your way soon.

Best from the west side of Canada.

Check out more from Kris on MYSPACE

Carol Rae, Cowichan, BC, CANADA

"Voodoo Dale"

The healing powers of art are being felt all around the Palace. Love it! Thanks Carol!

Wolfgang Skodd, Dortmund, GERMANY

Great to hear from you Wolfgang. See you in the mail.

Terry Hedges, "Hedgehog", Gabriola Island, BC, CANADA

Thanks Terry

Check out the sounds of Terry on Metacafe

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.