Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Clemente Padin, Montevideo, URUGUAY

Your card arrived as I was working on a piece for you in the studio . . See you in the mail.
Thanks for your contribution.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Rachel Berman, Victoria, BC, CANADA

"Folded Autoportrait"
Litho crayon on monotype
As always a delight to get this wonderful package with self portrait from Rachel. See you in the poste.

Dragonfly Dream, Santa Fe, NM, USA

Hey Dragonfly . . Thanks for the picture post card . . I look forward to adding you to the Portrait Gallery.
Be Sure to check out Dragonfly's site: DragonflyDream

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rick Mercer, CityTV, Toronto, ON, CANADA

Delighted to see my fellow Newfoundlander Rick Mercer in the Mailbox when I returned from NYC (TV does change the scale of a person). Thanks Rick for participating in the visual montage. It's exciting to see the gallery grow.

See Rick's Blog here: Rick Mercer

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Anne Fizzard, New York, NY, USA

Got to see one of my dearest friends while in the apple . .
Anne is now producing director at: Workshop Theater

Jack Layton, MP - NDP, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

Thanks Jack for the mailing . . . it was a great addition to the mailbag to see your name in the poste when I returned from NYC.
Much appreciated,

Peter Kruty, Brooklyn, NY, USA

I had the great fortune to visit Peter at his studio in Brooklyn recently. What an amazing place and such beautiful letterpress work.

Great to have you join the Gallery . . Many Thanks!

Check out: Peter Kruty Editions

Marcia Rosenberger, Santo Andre, São Paulo, BRASIL

Many Thanks Marcia . . Look forward to corresponding with you. All the best from Canada.